Home Bible Course

Home Bible Course

Have you ever wondered what the Bible is all about?

Have you read the Bible and found it hard to understand?  Do you get frustrated in your Bible reading?  Do you wish that someone would just simplify the Bible for you?

You’re not alone.  Most people feel just like you do.  Most people are lost when they read the Bible (even people who go to church regularly).  But don’t despair.  Though there are many books in the Bible, it has a single message.  And that message is a simple one that anyone can understand!

We offer a series of Bible Lessons that will help you clearly understand the message of the Bible.  These lessons can be sent to you for you to study in the comfort of your own home at your own pace.  There will be no offer for more lessons at a cost. We’re not selling anything. This service is offered to you completely free of charge and with no obligation.

Just send us an email (HomeBibleCourse@ttcoc.com) expressing your interest and one of our teachers will contact you through email.

You can understand the Bible!  Let us give you the key to unlock all the treasures God has for you in His Word.